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12月1號重要公告 (2015-12-01)
2015年12月1日起 台灣市場IRIS套組雲端服務 使用月費調降

因此自 2015 年 12 月 1 日起,台灣市場的 IRIS 套組雲端服務使用月租費價格,將從原來的新台幣 3,600 元調降為新台幣 3,200 元。於價格調降的同時,台灣市場的組織獎金也將根據每循環33美金的金額,由原本的一循環新台幣1180元調整為新台幣1,060元。

eWallet 電子錢包 新增安全密碼
為了提升聯盟會員使用eWallet電子錢包的安全度, 自2015年12月2日起, eWallet將新增獨立的安全密碼。


Phytter Dock雲端儲存空間轉購套組 即將推出!
Interush聯盟會員可自12月起,每月續用時,可選擇購買Phytter Dock雲端儲存空間轉購套組,取代第二或第三事業中心(亦或可選擇第二與第三事業中心,均購買Phytter Dock轉購套組)。

Phytter Dock雲端儲存空間轉購套組,每套售價為新台幣3,840元,包括4組Phytter Dock商品碼。每組商品碼均含有2TB (亦即相當於2,000GB)的超大儲存容量,提供安全可靠的雲端儲存服務效期長達一年。以Phytter Dock一般銷售方案來說,2TB儲存空間一般零售價為新台幣1,190元,也就是說聯盟會員是以新台幣3840元超優惠價格,取得4組商品碼,一般售價總價值為1190*4=4760元!

適逢佳節,不妨以Phytter Dock作為好禮餽贈親朋好友,妥善保管珍貴照片與影片,或者也可轉售給他人賺取利潤,均不失為明智的選擇!

佳節期間用Phytter Dock雲端儲存空間為你的親朋好友送上一份最體貼也最獨特的禮物,凡購買Phytter Dock雲端儲存空間聯盟會員套組的聯盟會員,都會收到一封特別的Phytter Dock確認電子郵件給您,來協助您向親朋好友寄送商品碼,或轉售給他人。敬請點擊連結,把握這難得的好機會!

正式可購買Phytter Dock轉購套組日期,必須待主管機關報備審核通過後,預計將可最快於本周內實施,確切日期請等待公司公告


最新公告 2015-10-13


組織獎金— 根據推廣販售IRIS套組雲端服務而獲得
ARC獎金—聯盟會員線上推廣iHealthScience營養補給品和其他ARC的 IT產品而獲得








雖然公司一部分的獎勵計劃當中,例如先前的虛擬股票選擇權獎金計畫,也就是現在的忠誠獎金計畫 (均僅針對一部分在2012年1月31日前成爲聯盟會員的人);以及PSP全球利潤分紅計畫當中之IRIS特別獎勵計畫。上述兩者的確與公司上市有相關,參與計畫的聯盟會員將獲得一部分現金或其他類型的獎勵内容,但這些現金獎金或其他類型的獎勵,並不代表聯盟會員直接或間接擁有公司股權,而且不會有任何人因此而致富。






如果有任何會員違反此項政策,我們將會採取嚴厲的懲處。懲處包括對暫停 以及/或者 立即終止其聯盟會員資格。




如果您發現有任何人未能以正確的方式建立他/她的團隊,以及/或者 使用上市作爲市場推廣的工具,請立刻與公司的法規遵循部門聯繫,以利公司迅速採取補救措施,並對於違反規定者處以懲罰。





Message to Affiliates Regarding Business Introduction Standards

An important information on the business introduction regulations.

We would like to bring to your attention a very important reminder about Interush’s core business.

This message relates to how you may generate supplemental income as an Affiliate; and the standards that must be followed by all Affiliates when introducing the Interush business opportunity to others.

Interush is a unique, Internet-based business opportunity and the principal sources of supplemental income for an Affiliate are:
Team Bonuses or commissions based on sales of subscriptions to the IRIS Application suite;
ARC commissions for online sales of iHealthScience nutritional supplement products and other ARC IT products that result from Affiliate referrals; and
Certain Affiliate leaders receive Leader Share Bonuses from overall Company product sales.

In addition, the Company maintains a PSP program for Affiliates which provides Affiliates a smaller secondary annual bonus opportunity.

The PSP is an annual bonus plan designed to allow Affiliates to share in some of the profits that Interush earns from selected business activities within and outside of its core network marketing business according to the Affiliates contribution to certain activities.

Also, certain Affiliates who became Affiliates prior to January 31, 2012 participate in the Loyalty Bonus Plan which is an annual cash bonus plan.

These are the only compensatory arrangements which provide potential supplemental income opportunities for Interush Affiliates.

This is what all Affiliates and prospects should be focused on for a potential supplemental income opportunity as an Interush Affiliate.

We would like to clarify a potential misunderstanding that may exist among some of our Affiliates.

Any public listing of Interush would provide direct financial benefit only to those that have equity ownership of the company, such as stock, which only includes a small number of individuals and does not include any Affiliates.

While certain provisions of the company’s incentive compensation plans such as the prior phantom stock option bonus plan, the Loyalty Bonus program (both of which only apply to certain Affiliates who became Affiliates prior to January 31, 2012) and the PSP Special Introduction Bonus do provide for some cash bonus and other rewards to the participating Affiliates that are linked to an IPO by Interush, the cash bonus or other rewards under these programs do not represent any direct or indirect equity ownership in Interush and will not result in anyone becoming wealthy.

Interush has communicated in the past that the business introduction effort cannot under any circumstances be based on references to the Company doing an IPO. This was the Company’s stated position in the past and it is still the Company’s position today.

During the 1st half of 2015, there have been several communications from the Interush Compliance Department to Affiliates and Affiliate leaders in various markets that it is not appropriate to entice others to become Affiliates by making references to an IPO or statements about the possibility of Interush becoming a public company.

We again must reiterate and make perfectly clear that any references to an IPO cannot and must not be used as a business introduction tool as they are misleading, inappropriate and not relevant.

We would like to remind you of these important previous communications by the former CEO and Chairman and the compliance department and stress the importance and seriousness of this message to not use any IPO discussions with potential new Affiliates.

Interush will monitor compliance with this policy through random anonymous field inspections.

If any Affiliates violate this policy, such persons will be severely disciplined, including suspensions of their account and/or immediate termination.

Interush pays the Leader’s Share Bonuses to our Leaders to help ensure the Company’s business model, as well as the published policies and procedures are properly communicated and understood by our Affiliates; and also to help train and monitor the activities of our Affiliates so they know how to and are properly promoting both our products and our business.

Failure to do so, will result in loss of this Annual Share Bonus participation, or even termination.

To continue to protect the reputation of Interush, to raise the quality of our Affiliates, and to promote the Interush Business Opportunity correctly, these are important issues that Interush needs Affiliate leadership to work together with the Affiliates as a team to educate and enforce.

If you know of anyone who is not building his or her team correctly and/or uses references to an IPO of Interush as a recruitment tool or otherwise, please inform the Compliance Department of Interush immediately so we may take remedial action to correct the situation and deal with the offending party as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support of Interush and cooperation in this matter. If you have further questions, please contact your Affiliate leader or Interush Customer Service.



最新公告 2015-03-03
(註) VIP即代表Very Important Platinums,亦即白金級領導人貴賓。


(Through Interush, the Internet makes everything possible.)

2015 年新星領導人獎勵方案

